Saison 2010-2011

ADRÉNALINE - Montréal (Québec), 22 janvier 2011

 CHAMPIONS - International Open Allgirl 5 - Shining Stars

 2e place + WORLDS BID - International Open Coed 5 - SuperStars

OPEN NATIONALS - Kingston (Ontario), 5 février 2011

CHAMPIONS + GRAND CHAMPIONS - International Open Allgirl 5 - Shining Stars

CHAMPIONS - International Open Coed 5 - SuperStars

2e place - Open Allgirl 4.2 - Divas

3e place - Open Coed 6 - Heroes

BIG EAST BLAST - Kingston (Ontario), 6 février 2011

CHAMPIONS - Youth Small 1 - Pop Stars

2e place - Youth Large 1 - Pretty Stars

6e place - Youth Small 2 - Magic Stars

CHAMPIONS - Junior Small 1 - Happy Stars

2e place - Junior Small 2 - Loving Stars

3e place - Junior Large 2 - Silver Stars

2e place - Junior Large 3 - Flying Stars

3e place - Junior Small 4 - Rock Stars

CHAMPIONS- Senior Large 2 - Flamming Stars

2e place - Senior Small 3 - Fire Stars

2e place - Senior Coed 4.2 - Power Stars

Non-competitive - Mom and Dad - Fame

CHEER FEST- Montréal (Québec), 12 février 2011

CHAMPIONS - Tiny 1 - Baby Stars

CHAMPIONS - Mini Large 1 - Little Stars

CHAMPIONS - Mini Small 1 - Cutie Stars

CHAMPIONS - Youth Small 1 - Pop Stars

CHAMPIONS - Youth Large 1 - Pretty Stars

CHAMPIONS - Youth Small 2 - Magic Stars

CHAMPIONS - Junior Small 1 - Happy Stars

CHAMPIONS- Junior Small 2 - Loving Stars

2e place - Junior Large 2 - Silver Stars

CHAMPIONS - Junior Large 3 - Flying Stars

CHAMPIONS- Junior Small 4 - Rock Stars

CHAMPIONS- Senior Large 2 - Flamming Stars

CHAMPIONS - Senior Small 3 - Fire Stars

CHAMPIONS - Senior Coed 4.2 - Power Stars

CHAMPIONS - Open Allgirl 4.2 - Divas

2e place - Mom and Dad - Fame

JAMFEST - Syracuse, NY, février 2011

- Large Senior 2- Flamming Stars

- Small Senior 3- Fire Stars

3e place - Senior Coed 4.2 - Power Stars

CHAMPIONS + most entertaining routine - Open Coed 6 - Heroes

CHAMPIONS - Open Allgirl 4.2 - Divas

KICK'S CELEBRATION - Boisbriand (Québec), mars 2011

CHAMPIONS + Worlds Bid - International Allgirl 5 - Shining Stars

CHAMPIONS- Open Coed 6- Heroes

GREAT LAKES - Rochester, NY (USA), avril 2011

CHAMPIONS - International Allgirl 5 - Shining Stars

2e place - International Open Coed 5 - SuperStars

WORLDS - Orlando, FL (USA), avril 2011

4e place- International Allgirl 5 - Shining Stars

4e place - International Open Coed 5 - SuperStars

CANADIAN NATIONAL - Niagara Falls (Ontario), mai 2011

2e place - Small Mini 1 - Cutie Stars

4e place - Large Youth 1 - Pretty Stars

2e place - Small Youth 2 - Magic Stars

6e place - Large Junior 2 - Silver Stars

3e place - Large Junior 3 - Flying Stars

3e place - Small Junior 4 - Rock Stars

CHAMPION - Small Senior 3 - Fire Stars

6e place - Senior Coed 4.2 - Power Stars

CANADIENS - St-Eustache, (Québec), mai 2011

2e place - Tiny 1 - Baby Stars

- Large Mini 1 - Little Stars

CHAMPION - Small Mini 1 - Cutie Stars

3e place - Small Youth 1 - Pop Stars

2e place - Large Youth 1 - Pretty Stars

2e place - Small Youth 2 - Magic Stars

4e place - Junior 1 - Happy Stars

2e place - Small Junior 2 - Loving Stars

2e place - Large Junior 2 - Silver Stars

CHAMPIONS - Large Junior 3 - Flying Stars

2e place - Small Junior 4 - Rock Stars

5e place - Large Senior 2 - Flamming Stars

2e place - Small Senior 3 - Fire Stars

3e place - Senior Coed 4.2 - Power Stars

CHAMPIONS - International Allgirl 5 - Shining Stars

2e place - International Open Coed 5 - SuperStars

2e place - Open Allgirl 4.2 - Divas

2e place - Open Coed 6 - Heroes

3e place - Mom and Dad - Fame

CHEER EXPO - Montréal, (Québec), mai 2011

CHAMPION - Tiny 1 - Baby Stars

CHAMPION - Large Mini 1 - Little Stars

CHAMPION - Small Mini 1 - Cutie Stars

CHAMPION - Small Youth 1 - Pop Stars

CHAMPION - Large Youth 1 - Pretty Stars

CHAMPION- Small Youth 2 - Magic Stars

CHAMPION- Junior 1 - Happy Stars

CHAMPION- Small Junior 2 - Loving Stars

2e place - Large Junior 2 - Silver Stars

CHAMPIONS - Large Junior 3 - Flying Stars

CHAMPION - Small Junior 4 - Rock Stars

CHAMPION- Large Senior 2 - Flamming Stars

CHAMPION- Small Senior 3 - Fire Stars

CHAMPION- Senior Coed 4.2 - Power Stars

CHAMPIONS - International Allgirl 5 - Shining Stars

CHAMPION- International Open Coed 5 - SuperStars

CHAMPION - Open Allgirl 4.2 - Divas

CHAMPION - Open Coed 6 - Heroes

CHAMPION- Mom and Dad - Fame

RND Elite